Sitemap - 2022 - Adamant

“You’re too early” - the why and how to react

The Insider Advantage in Startup Fundraising

Other founders, they’re just like me!

A fundraising failure to learn from

Time builds relationships. But it also kills deals. (Investor Skydiving)

Do you know how investors think?

This founder cracked the fundraising code

How social media drives investor interest

Building a Fundraising Foundation

The misunderstood parts of dilution and venture math

Add these gems to make your investor update shine

A Killer Guide to combining an Angel Army with Stacked Notes

When is a SAFE Unsafe?

12 Best Tips for Finding a Technical Co-Founder / CTO

The Large Impact of Small Actions

Cold Email Psychology

9 Ways Angel Investors Can Help Your Startup

Avoid this “detailed” mistake - Live tape from a coaching session + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 3.18.22

This is Why Preparing to Fundraise is Hard + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 3.11.22

Fundraising’s Cold Start Problem + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 3.4.22

9 ways to USE funding + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 2.25.22

The Kingmaking Power of Angels + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 2.18.22

How to Network Starting From Nothing + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 2.11.22

22 essential newsletters for startup founders ‘22 + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 2.4.22

Congrats, you just closed a round!... Now what? + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 1.28.22

Should I change to web3 to fundraise? Hell n…maybe? + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 1.21.22

Oops! Correction on Link for ”Founders, It’s Time to Ask for Help" Essay

Founders, It’s Time to Ask for Help + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 1.14.22

How Fundraising Skills Lead to Successful Recruiting + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 1.7.22