Why your intro requests are bad + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 7.30.21
And a few ways to make them more effective!
Hey - it’s Jason Yeh 🕺🏻
This is my Friday recap of thoughts I’ve had while helping founders solve their fundraising challenges this past week (7.30.21)
If you have any questions, please reply! I try to get to every comment/question I get :)
Why your intro requests aren’t working (and how to fix it)
I often talk about introductions being the lifeblood of a great fundraise. They’re the source of your greatest leads. Getting as many high-quality introductions as possible is an important goal during fundraising, but a lot of you are terrible at it.
If you’re not getting 80% of your intro requests converting, you’re likely part of this group of terrible intro requesters.
Don’t be too embarrassed- it’s super common and not too hard to fix. Before getting into the how... let’s talk about the why.
Introductions are way more complicated than they appear. Founders be like “Jason knows this person. Should be a breeze for him to just shoot an email over and connect us!... and he also knows these 50 other people I want to talk to. Jackpot🍯”
An intro is SO much more than an email… (continue to see how to fix…)
On to the Fieldnotes for 7.30.21…
Woof it’s fast out there! (but still takes work to setup)

Wiz likes these pre-seed investors. See if you can get intro’d in…

Till next week. Stay adamant and be chased.
p.s. haha. so good. really speaks to me
Small asks!
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