An important fundraising message for the holidays + Fundraising Fieldnotes - 12.23.21
Don't skip this email. 2 min read to make a big difference in 2022🙏
Hey - it’s Jason Yeh 🕺🏻
We’re deep in the holiday season so today’s Christmas Eve issue is going to be short.
On to my quick holiday message for 12.24.21…
A Holiday Message 🎉
First let me say happy holidays to everyone! Last week I talked about having some balance it can’t be all startups and fundraising all the time. There is more to life. Without variety you risk losing your excitement and burnout.
This is me following my own advice.
Yesterday I drove up to SF to get to my sister’s place for the holidays. My parents came out too so it’s going to be a lot of family time. We’ll eat a lot of food, the dogs will get even more attention than normal, I’ll shoot some hoops with my nephew, and my niece will likely add me to a bunch of her TikTok vids. I’m really excited for all of those things. Beyond that, I know the time is going to help energize me to make all the work I do with Adamant Ventures really amazing in 2022
With this as an example to follow, I deliver my holiday message to you:
🔌Take this last week of the year to recharge🔋
No really – unplug at least for a few days. Today is a Friday, Christmas is tomorrow… That means:
no checking email
no drafting docs
no strategic planning
no nothing
Replace all your work activities with family time, leisure activities, and rest.
For those of you anxious about not working, don’t be. The work will still be there and squeezing in a few more days of work won’t be the difference between success and failure.
In fact, not taking this time might push you closer to burning out. And burn out is no bueno.
Ok that’s it. That’s the holiday issue of Fundraising Fieldnotes!
…oh and a request if you’ve read this far!
Reply with some pics of holiday activities so I know you’re listening! I love seeing dogs, snow, food, and little kiddos…
Till next week. Stay adamant, eat some good food, and be chased.
p.s. These types of dog costumes are the best. Combining with the christmas retail theme was 😘🤌 Good job Target.
In case you missed it…
Last week’s article was killer. Check it out to take advantage of any extra downtime you might have…
Small asks!
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